How orthotics to help the plantar fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis?

Before we look at how corrective insoles can help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis, it is important to first understand what it is and what causes it. Plantar fasciitis is caused by excessive tension and aggravation of the connective tissue of the heel to the sole of the foot (called the plantar fascia). When the plantar fascia is inflamed, every step is painful, and there is a cycle of pain and excessive tightening, tearing and inflammation, leading to plantar fasciitis.

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

Symptoms vary, but in this case the main complaints of the patient are pain and stiffness in the heel, sometimes close to the middle and bottom of the foot. This pain can be a violent burning sensation, usually the most severe in the morning after sitting, standing or walking for a long time. Other symptoms include swelling and tenderness of the soles of the feet, from the top of the plantar fascia to the bottom of the heel.

What is the reason?

The reasons are also diverse and there are several risk factors. They are listed below:

Age-plantar fasciitis is the most common active person in the 40-70 age group. For example, if you are a long-distance runner, or if your job keeps you standing for a long time, you run the risk of plantar fasciitis. Foot mechanics – If you have abnormal walking patterns, weak feet or ankles, flat feet or unusually high arches, you will be more likely to develop plantar fasciitis. Poor quality shoes – wearing poor quality shoes, such as inadequate or insufficient shoes for the arch is another cause of plantar fasciitis. Tension – over-tightening of the Achilles tendon or calf muscle may be another reason. Obesity or a sudden increase in weight can also cause plantar fasciitis because extra weight can put extra stress on the plantar fascia. High-stress activities – sudden increases in physical activity, such as jogging, and ongoing high-stress activities such as long-distance running and ballet dancing can also lead to this. Disease – Certain diseases, such as arthritis, can cause plantar fasciitis.
