When do you go to see a podiatrist?

Fortunately, many of these problems are usually easily solved at home. The heel of the heel with cracks or blisters can be soaked. The orthosis and pads can be used to treat bunions. Stretching or rolling exercises can be used to treat plantar fasciitis, the most common disease in human health. One. However, although there is usually no problem in treating foot disease at home, there are times when you should see a podiatrist.

First, people with diabetes should be especially vigilant about foot health. Any slow healing wound, or where the foot feels warm, may be a warning sign and should always be taken seriously. But even for non-diabetics, there are some symptoms that should be checked by a professional.

Although it is not uncommon for foot pain or swelling, this situation should not last too long. For example, after a toe is bruised, the pain may be described as “unbearable,” but the pain usually resolves after a few minutes, only making the area more sensitive to touch. If you still feel pain in a short time, this may be a sign of something breaking, especially in the case of swelling.

Similarly, where a wound is injured, such as a sprained ankle, swelling within a few days is normal. But if the swelling does not improve after 3 days, especially if you have been using home treatments such as ice packs or foot baths, this may be a symptom of a potential problem.

But the pain doesn't have to be very serious to get people's attention. For a period of time, it is easy to ignore mild pain and live as usual, hoping it will disappear on its own. However, if the pain persists for several weeks, the problem may not disappear and it is important to check before the condition worsens.

Sustained feeling of warmth or burning, as well as numbness or stinging, is often a sign of a potential problem, especially if most soles are affected. The problem here is that these problems are often overlooked because they do not cause a lot of pain and do not immediately pose a threat. But symptoms like this should be taken seriously and it is recommended to see a podiatrist.

Any open wound, especially a pus-exfusing wound, should be examined by a doctor because the wound on the foot is highly susceptible to infection. Signs of infection that have begun include redness, sensitivity, heat from the infected area, or fever of 37.8 ° C or more.

Because we use them often in our daily lives, problems with the feet can be particularly troublesome. Despite this, we often don't think these are urgent, but hope that we can come out instead of spending money on doctors. But unless you are positive about the cause of these symptoms, foot problems may represent more serious problems.

Therefore, if you are experiencing any abnormal or persistent symptoms, it is best to be cautious, get in touch with our team and register for the exam.