How long is delivery time of ?

Delivery time varies with projects. Please contact us to see how we can help you meet your required delivery schedule. Xiamen KON Technology Co., Ltd. is able to beat the lead times of other manufacturers because we use a proprietary method of maintaining appropriate levels of stock raw material. To offer our customers the best possible support, we have enhanced and optimized our internal processes and technologies in a way that enables us to manufacture and deliver polyurethane insole even faster. Nevertheless, we choose top delivery partners which pride themselves in logistics management for faster shipment.
How long is delivery time of ?
Ideastep offers a wide range of heated insoles with competitive price. Ideastep Insoles’s insoles heated series include multiple types. work insole has attracted much attention as a the best insoles for work boots based on the best insoles for work boots character. The anti-sweat foam on the top of the product is easy to be cleaned. The reliability of work insole is trusted by many clients. Its logo can be made by transfer printing, stamping printing, silk printing, etc.
How long is delivery time of ?
Ideastep Insoles aims to achieve global development in the insoles heated industry. Get an offer!